Sunday, April 19, 2009

Control and Reason.

In control. . .

I have been thinking a lot about control. Scott and I have also been having many discussions about what exactly that means. I FULLY believe God is in control. However, at what point does God allow our decisions to affect his control? Take something as our decision not to have another child. We learned last week that our decision has probably been a really good one. We are going to be going through genetic counseling in the fall to learn more about C and his diseases. Basically, we make genetically messy babiesJ So, all that being said, we would never say well, God is in control, if he wants us to have a baby we will, so we don’t need to worry about birth control. Right?!? But I also know that no matter what type of “protection” we use if God wants us to have another child, we will. During me talking and wrapping my brain around this, Scott says well, it is as simple as the man and the flood. You know that man stuck in the tree during rising waters, who has everything from a boat to a helicopter try to rescue him. When he dies he asks God, “why didn’t you save me?” God replies, “what more do you want, I sent you a boat, helicopter, etc.” Hmmmm. . Something to think about.

So, what it boils down to I suppose is God is in control and he also controlled our making and during that making, he gave us brains. He also, I believe, crated every person with a reason or a purpose. This weekend has been weird because we have been thinking about an amazing little boy that God created, whose life on this earth has been really short. However when I think of Matt,, I see his purpose and I really believe that he has exceeded any expectation God had for him. I have been in ear shot twice of people I don’t even know talking about Baby Matt and his journey. I cannot believe that one little boy has touched so many. But then I do believe because that is what he was sent here for. How many people have learned about our Maker because of him? I suspect it is more than you would imagine.

This leads me to my next thought. . . (Yes, I am rambling but I haven’t had much sleep and I have been pondering a lot lately). I have started praying that Carter’s journey and my journey as his mommy will show people that God is in control and that He has a purpose for everyone. We were given a child who is sick but I don’t see that. I see that we were given God’s perfect child and we get to raise him in His glory. God is in control of our family and has led us every step. Yes, He also gave me a brain though to make decisions for him and to take care of him but He also has a hand in everything. And I also fully believe that Carter has a purpose. I pray that part of that purpose is to lead people to God. I see my amazing son and I think he can do anything and I pray that that means leading at least one person to his God.