Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hmmm. . . What to write? I feel like I have a lot on my mind (imagine that) but here I am sitting here and nothing is coming out. I am on vacation . . . we are on vacation. I think this might be our first real vacation as a family. No doctors, no conferences, no procedures, nothing. Maybe that is why I am having a hard time writing. Things have been good lately though. This trip has been good for us. Carter has been so happy.

Today, I found myself dreading the thought of going back home on Saturday. Back to reality. I got Carter’s new crossover stroller/wheelchair ordered and it should be waiting for us when we get home. Tuesday starts on with our normal doctor’s appointments. I guess I can only hide so long.

We went to dinner tonight. We went to Dick’s Last Resort. If you have ever been there, you know how they treat you. Well, when we first walked in one of the guys looked at Carter and said “what, so you can talk? Then why do you have that thing in your mouth? (Referring to C’s pacifier). I actually told my son to lift up his shirt and tell the guy to leave him the hell alone. Yep. And he did it. And the guy looked shock. And they left him alone. Point taken. I do get so tired of adults especially looking at him weird or making comments about his pacifier or his stroller. Seriously. Do I look at them and question them about their vices? The fact that Carter needs a stroller cannot be changed. His pacifier however, is a different story. I figure, one day, he won’t want it anymore. Maybe when he goes on his first date! Really though I don’t understand why people care so much. Why are we so fast to judge others? Should we be looking at ourselves? Is it our job to judge others?

I am thinking that we need to leave the judging to our God. Romans 14:13 says, “let us not therefore judge one another anymore: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.” I have learned something through all of this with C. I have learned that you shouldn’t judge. You never know what is going on in someone’s life. You never know why they do what they do, why they make the decision they do, etc. I don’t understand why we have gotten to a place where we think it is acceptable to constantly criticize and judge people. Why can’t we just see people for their good? Why don’t people strive to help others, to support them, to care for them? I guess I could question this forever.

I guess I have rambled enough. We are good. I am good. Vacation has helped. I like being renewed. I will be ready to go back to reality ready to fight. For my son. For his right to be himself. For his right to not be judged.


crystal said...

Hello Jennifer,
I came to your blog through another blog!because I to have a daughter who has EE!I really enjoyed reading this post and hearing your heart and your feelings about the situation that happen with your sweet boy!You could not have said it better and the verses were encouraging thank you!!I will be following your blog in hopes to encourage you!My daughter has a bottle and a blanky and she can be on the bottle as long as she needs it and her blanky!That blanky has gone every where with her when I couldnt go!(surgery room in hospital)for scopes,g-tube placement ext!So I to have learned to never judge because you seriously dont have a clue unless you live the life of the other person!I think I will do the same thing if someone wants to be rude and say something like that to my daughter!you are welcome to visit my blog I think the more moms together is better and encouraging!I pray your day is blessed!

Ross and Lisa said...

I am so glad that you were able to go on a "real" vacation. My family has not had the privilegde to do so yet, but I look forward to being able to do so in the furture. I just want you to know that you and your blog is an encourgement to me. The comments and looks do get frustrating at times. Abigail is 2 1/2 and still wakes up through the night for "feedings" and you know what? Yes, I am tired but I am so happy that she is drinking her formula that I will get up with her until she moves out of the house if need be (although I sure hope it doesn't take that long ;) ). People say their kids having been sleepong through the night since they were infants...but their kiddos are healthy!! Thank you for honesty.

Heidi said...
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